Stop Using the Term Depression Casually

11 October, 2022 Dr. Sheikh Shoib

Stop Using the Term Depression Casually

I have observed people using the term “depression” loosely to describe a state of sadness.  and why you need to stop using the term depression casually

The term depression has been so much overused that it has lost its meaning. People often saying and asking things like:

  • I am feeling depressed today, I don’t feel like doing anything.
  • What do you when you are depressed?
  • This place is so depressing.
  • Why are so quiet today? Are you depressed?

What many people actually mean they say depression

The word depression has been made ubiquitous by social media and television. People use depression while referring to a lot of emotions such as:

  • Sadness
  • Grief
  • Sorrow
  • Loneliness
  • Melancholy
  • Upsetness
  • Unhappiness
  • Gloominess
  • Sombreness
  • Subdued
  • Wistfulness

What is depression

Depression is a mental disorder. When the feeling of sadness, hopelessness, emotional instability or anger persists for a long time, you might be looking at depression.

Depression interferes with the daily activities of the victim. A loss of interest in doing simple activities follows. 

If you are feeling sad, then going out with friends, or engaging in some hobby can help you, but a depressed person loses interest in doing anything at all. A depressed person can go out with his friends and act as completely normal but once the day is over, he comes back to his usual state of depression.

Depression vs. sadness

Like every other person, you and I are prone to feeling sad. The sadness may last for an hour or a week or two. Feeling sad may not other all the aspects of your life. But a depressed person can feel upset and disinterested throughout the day. 

Sadness can have a reason. When you address that reason or share your problem with others, you might feel relieved. The reason for depression is hard to find. Depression can step from chemical imbalances, prolonged stress, medications or medical problems. 

Sadness can go on its own but a case of major depression requires counselling and/or medication.

Reasons to stop using the word loosely

With people throwing around the word “depression” so much that it has lost its meaning. People have stopped treating it inferior to physical disorders. 

A person with a mental disorder has much more difficulty in explaining his situation to other people than a person with a physical disorder.

To promote awareness, and to encourage people who actually have depression to seek help, we need to stop using the term depression casually. 

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